Thursday, December 20, 2012

Where does God show up?

Ann Voskamp is thinking about the place where God showed up.

This God who shows up in the stench of a barn.

If God could show up anywhere — then when it’s exactly most unlikely for Him to come to us — it is most like Him to come to us right then.

And I’d kneel there at the reenacted Bethlehem and finger along it on the wooden grain of a manger trough— The God who needs nothing, came needy. The God who came to give us mercy, was at our mercy. And He who entered into our world, He lets us say it in a thousand ways– that there is no room at the inn.

We can hold Christ now in every hurting person we hold.

Did I give You food when You were hungry?

Did I give You water when You were thirsty?

Did I remember You at all this Christmas, Child who bore the Tree?

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’” Matthew 25

Read more here:

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