Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mitt v. Mitt

The Democrats have put together a pretty devastating ad against Romney. Of course ads like this can be put together against any of the candidates, including Obama and Paul. It is a dirty game, and negative ads have been proven to work year-after-year.
via Ace of Spades


innominatus said...

Ooof. Some of the junk in there is creative editing and/or taken out of context. But most of it is true. Ouch.

Bob's Blog said...

I agree.

Terri Wagner said...

Why is flip flopping such a bad thing? I find myself changing views on things I'm not set in concrete on because new info or a new direction or a new thought (from someone like you Bob) changes my mind. That's not why I don't really like Romney. I read his book. He thinks we should make the gov't better, I believe we should limit the gov't NOW.