Monday, February 17, 2020

"You are not the enforcers of justice. You are the enforcers of a two-track system that excuses your pals and jams up your opponents."

In Town Hall, Kurt Schlichter weighs in on the Stone prosecutors and the DOJ's record of corruption over the last few years.
I’d have fired the Mueller hind-sniffs who tried to set-up the president by recommending the seven-to-nine year stretch. Alternatively, I’d fire them just for that recommendation. It was absolute Schiff when rapists, thugs, and other Democrat constituents regularly coast out of court with much less time. Wait, I thought we had a non-violent convict incarceration crisis, but I guess that doesn’t apply to political crimes, the most serious crimes of all apparently. No, they won’t get fired. They will keep on ruining lives.

They have failed to meet the minimum standards for integrity. You owe them nothing, not obedience, respect, or assistance. Don’t give them any.

You have no reason to cooperate with any of them if they come asking you questions. You’re a fool to do so – they seek to harm you, so you should protect yourself. Stone is where he is because he foolishly chose to testify.

When a federal law enforcement asks you anything, repeat after me:

“I invoke my right to remain silent. Please stop asking me questions. I want my lawyer.”

“Uh, I was just asking you if there’s a coffee shop around here.”

“I invoke my right to remain silent. Please stop asking me questions. I want my lawyer.”

And when you are in court on a jury, and the prosecutor attempts to stand in the golden glow of the United States of America, remember what the prosecutors did to innocent people for daring to dissent and give that lawyer no credit or benefit of the doubt. Listen closely and carefully to the accused. There was a time when an accused claiming he was framed by the feds could be laughed off; now, you should consider it. Ask Ted Stevens – oh wait, he died after a corrupt conviction. Do not hesitate to acquit, because the Department of Justice has proven itself corrupt and dishonest.

...Who is the guy (or Chardonnay-swilling, cankle-having gal) who went to jail for using classified materials for his/her own personal agendas?


Nobody did because the law is not a neutral set of rules equally applicable to all but a weapon used by politicized bureaucrats to neutralize opponents.

...You are not the enforcers of justice. You are the enforcers of a two-track system that excuses your pals and jams up your opponents.

...Let Barr do his thing. Let Durham do his. I’m not going to Lucy and the football myself into believing that either one is definitely going to serve up the justice upon the Deep State derps that is the minimal requirement for beginning to rebuild the trust in federal law enforcement these hacks flushed away, but who knows? They might do something. In the meantime, we simply need to treat federal law enforcement as what it is: deeply corrupt and utterly untrustworthy.

The other thing is that the president needs to pardon Roger Stone, Mike Flynn, and the others caught up in the scummy attempt to criminalize dissent. And he should commute Paul Manafort’s sentence to time served. Time to use our power to do justice for those who are victims of injustice.
Read more here.

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