Thursday, February 27, 2020

Levin and Kirk tweets on coronavirus

Tweets from Mark Levin and Charlie Kirk:
Mark R. Levin

· 11h
1. I’m waiting for the Schumer-Pelosi-Sanders-Biden- Buttigieg-Warren-Klobuchar-Steyer coronavirus plan. Open borders? Eliminate ICE? No vetting? Sanctuary cities? Nationalize the greatest health care system? Massive taxes on pharmaceutical companies and R&D?
Mark R. Levin

2. What’s their containment plan? What’s their vaccination development plan? Meanwhile, all they know is to attack, blame, and politicize. Like their media propagandists.

5:55 AM - Feb 27, 2020
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Charlie Kirk


Three Chinese nationals were apprehended trying to cross our Southern border illegally

Each had flu-like symptoms

Border patrol quickly quarantined them and assessed any threat of Coronavirus

Our weak border is a health risk

Close the border—Build. The. Wall.
Thanks to Doug Ross

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