Sunday, June 17, 2018

Are you fully experiencing life?

At a website called Knowledge for Men, Andrew Ferebee issues a challenge:
You, me, everyone you love and admire… All have finite time on this planet, so the real question is this – did you truly live?

Did you make the most of your time on this planet? Or did you allow the most precious gift that is your life to slip through your fingers like the sand in an hourglass?

If you have found yourself merely existing simply going through the motions day in and day out instead of living. Then it’s time to snap out of it and WAKE UP!

You only have one opportunity to make it count. To make this life free and beautiful. A wonderful adventure to explore and experience…

So are you going to sit on the sidelines and watch life pass you by? Are you going to take a stand for yourself and and say TODAY is the day that I will do the things I’ve always wanted to do in my life?
Go here to read what the author calls 74 essential things every man should do to fully experience this life.

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