Thursday, April 18, 2013

What about the male's role in abortion? And, what is the role of the Christ follower toward those women and children?

When writing the other day about Gosnell's child murdering operation in Philadelphia, I forgot to link to a post by Ann Voskamp that discusses the male's role in abortion.

Male promiscuity is about power and pleasure and no presence.

Male promiscuity is about sensuality and fertility and no responsibility.

Male promiscuity is about cultural instability.

So that guy she never knew told her all he knew was where to find a clinic and all he was ever going to give her was a number to erase one night.

We all get to decide that — between erasing sin and embracing grace. One’s impossible — and the other makes everything possible.

For Christ followers, it’s more than being pro-choice and pro-life — it’s about always being pro-the-least-of-these.

The abortion debate is not so much about how we can somehow change the law, but right now change how we love. To have credibility in lobbying for laws against the abortion of babies, we must have the dependability of opening our doors for the welcoming of children.

Read more here:

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