Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fearless and arrogant will get you a long way in a world full of the meek.

Sippican Cottage reprises a 2009 post about Al Capone.

Hollywood likes to show gangsters being Machiavellian, but they're usually just willing to use force to get what they want, and are willing to take chances. Fearless and arrogant will get you a long way in a world full of the meek. Gangsters are in a state of nature, red in tooth and claw, while John Q. Public thinks meat comes in little packages from a deli.

Here is a picture found at Sippican Cottage. It is the cell Capone stayed in while he was serving eight months for carrying a concealed weapon.

Sippican makes furniture. He comments on his blog about the furniture in the photo below.

Some guys just know how to make things happen.

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