Thursday, July 09, 2020

Will Portland voters thank President Trump in November?

Andy Ngo reports on Twitter,
Seven people arrested at violent #antifa protests and riots in Portland are facing federal charges for assaulting federal officers and destroying property at the federal courthouse.

Victoria Taft reports in PJ Media,
For six hours on July 2-3, federal officers had to hold the line at the shattered main doorway of the federal courthouse in Portland as antifa terrorists assaulted them with IEDs, M-80s, mortars, bricks and other objects.

Rioters shone lasers into the eyes of the officers as they fought to hold the door to protect the battered courthouse. According to a news release from the Department of Justice, antifa rioters attacked officers with a variety of objects in addition to threatening their lives. Officers sent to “protect the courthouse have been subjected to threats; aerial fireworks including mortars; high intensity lasers targeting officers’ eyes; thrown rocks, bottles, and balloons filled with paint from demonstrators while performing their duties.”

...Portland has been under siege by these terrorists for years.

AG Bill Barr and the Trump administration are finally doing something about it.

It’s unlikely, however, that there will be any thanks from Leftist Portland to President Trump for beginning to restore peace.
Read more here.

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