Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How Fox censors its conservatives

Ace of Spades writes in part about how Fox News censors its employees.
Speaking of the neoliberal establishment media embargoing this story:

Does anyone remember a single segment on FoxNews -- the TV broadcast, I mean; I've found a few scattered references on the website -- about Tara Reade's allegations before the New York Times gave them permission to cover it (as a media story only)?

Did Hannity ever mention it on Fox? I don't think he did. And I know he would have -- if he weren't told by management that he'd be suspended if he mentioned it.

Laura Ingraham too. Tucker Carlson would have hit the hypocrisy angle.

And yet, none of them did, as far as I know.

Did they all just coincidentally make the same decision not to report a big juicy story?

I strongly suspect the Murdoch boys and the "Brain Room" of Bill Sammon, Chris Stirewalt, Chris Wallace, etc., forbade any mention of the allegation. Making FoxNews as complicit in the coverup as CNN.

You know, one of those suspensions that the controlling liberal junta at FoxNews routinely send conservatives on, and then force conservatives to lie and claim they just took an unscheduled vacation.

(Oh by the way: These absences are in fact suspensions that they suspended people are forced to lie about. FoxNews doesn't want conservatives getting the idea that conservatives are being censored and deplatformed by FoxNews. So they suspend people and force them to lie about it.)

Let me know if you've seen any Fox news reports, on TV, about Tara Reade, prior to the NYT story.

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