Friday, November 01, 2019

Jobs report blows away all expectations

Sundance reports in the Conservative Treehouse,
Jumpin’ ju-ju bones, the October jobs report has blown away all expectations in every possible metric. It’s not just the top-line job gains, the two-month revisions are huge.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report for October shows 128,000 job gains, and that number includes absorption for negative impacts due to -20,000 census workers coming off federal payrolls and -42,000 striking auto-workers. Far better employment numbers than all projections and estimations.

Additionally, the prior two months had massive upward revisions. August was revised up by 51,000 (from +168,000 to +219,000), and the change for September was revised up by 44,000 (from +136,000 to +180,000). With these revisions, employment gains in August and September combined were 95,000 more than previously reported (BLS Link).
Read and watch much more here.

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