Wednesday, November 06, 2019

An "important anniversary of freedom"

In the American Thinker, Jon Guertin reminds us that
This weekend, the world will remember that a mere 30 years have passed since the death throes of the age of Soviet-directed suppression. The people of Berlin would have no more patience with the lies and dogmas of socialism and so brought down their hated wall. In less than a year, Germany was united, and within two years the Soviet Union itself ceased to exist.

Good men and women did something. They actively defied further capitulation to totalitarian control of their lives. They did their work without social media, cell phones, or the internet. These modern tools of the information age were unnecessary to defeat the tyrannies that made up the Soviet empire. Persistent courage, wisdom, and creativity were sufficiently (if temporarily) lethal.

Popular culture, even in living memory of the Soviet age, again entertains the sweet-sounding promises of socialism. Today's affluence and peace leave ample time for the scheming, the childish, and ignorant to champion demands for enforced equality of outcomes. While dressing in the clothes of grievance, racialism, and social justice, today's socialists make their case for government control seemingly unaware of how it really ends.

As Ronald Reagan said, we can lose this country in a single generation. Democrats do everyone a favor by not masking their true goals in this political season. Freedom-loving Americans have every right and obligation to pray, teach, vote, and persist to defeat them. Those who resisted the Soviet empire to its demise were willing to sacrifice everything because nothing else would do. On this important anniversary of freedom, the question is, will we?

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