Thursday, March 08, 2018

ID Ideas

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

We just had primaries yesterday. I had already voted early ‘cause I like to get it done. That way I avoid the rush and don’t have to worry if something else comes up on election day. I was very happy to see they are still requiring a photo ID for us to vote here. I wish that was required everywhere. But, I am also concerned that the requirement for a photo ID will still not protect our elections from voter fraud.

Some places are now giving photo IDs to illegal immigrants. Which means non-citizens may well continue to be able to vote in our elections. In other places organizations are stealing mail-in ballots or using identities of the dead to obtain mail-in ballots. Then, we have the voter machine “errors”, as well as the stuffed ballot boxes or the missing ballot boxes. Don’t even get me started on the people who have been found to have voted multiple times in a single election. And, anyone who believes voter fraud does not exist is not paying attention to the numbers.

I think it makes me even more angry about the lack of ID requirements for voting when they require it for so many other things, including driving, purchasing weapons, buying cigarettes and alcohol, or getting into movies with certain ratings. Why do they try to protect or restrict so many things in our society, but do not adequately safeguard that most precious right of an American citizen? The right to select the government we want to protect and defend us.

We are hearing a lot about background checks and age limits being raised. Yet there is no real investigation into the backgrounds of voters and the voting age is 18 years. So, why on earth is is okay for an 18 year old who is virtually unverified to vote for our government, but not okay for an 18 year old without background check to buy a gun? Surely our entire nation is put just at much at risk by compromised elections as it is by guns possibly making their way into the wrong hands.

Oh, my bad! Our government has already been party to putting guns in the wrong hands. Can all y’all remember the “Fast and Furious” gun-trafficking program? Maybe if we took as much care about registering voters as we do about purchasing guns, we would have less incompetent administrations doing idiotic things like “Fast and Furious”.

Anyway, it’s just an idea.
Read more posts by Suzann at Wooly

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