Meanwhile, in LA, there are 58,000 homeless living in the shadows of the mansions of people who call me a heartless Nazi.
tu3031 wrote,
I really think liberals LOVE seeing large swaths of the homeless because
they think it's a form of propaganda against capitalism.
Until you want to move a shelter into their neighborhood.
Gunslinger wrote,
My workplace is right across the street from a Gospel Mission.Read more here.
Most of these people are zombies. We cannot be afraid of "taking their rights away". They are completely unaware of life in general.
I have always thought that involuntary "housing and treatment" would get them clean, and/or sober, and/or force them to take their meds they so badly need to bring them back to reality.
Leaving them to continue as they do is not compassion, regard for their rights, or anything else like this. It is criminal neglect.
When Reagan shut down all of the Federal Mental Institutions, he gave the money to the states in block grants. What did the States do? Why, they hired bodies and built a bureaucracy that wastes money and gets nothing done.
Like they do...
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