Sunday, December 06, 2015

Do we now live in a world run by betas and their lady friends?

J.R. Dunn writes in American Thinker,
We live in a world run by betas and their lady friends. A world that is not only unwelcome to the alpha, but one that is blatantly hostile to everything he stands for. A world that not only denies any place to the male champion, but denies any need for him, and even argues that he never truly existed. Much of the history of the past half-century -- from radical feminism to gay rights to the various “New Masculinities” that have appeared, amused the girls on “The View”, and then vanished, can be explained by this paradigm.

...This is put into relief by two recent incidents -- the Mizzou disturbances and the Paris attack. (There’s a third that can act as comic relief: Sen: Claire McCaskill’s on-air tantrum in which she called for males to “shut the hell up.”)

...This is clearly in play in American academia, which has been totally taken over by feminists and betas. (Most interesting here is the Yale incident in which the college master was publicly berated by a foul-mouthed female student over an email sent by his wife suggesting that students take ethnic Halloween costumes with a grain of salt. Note that it was the wife who was responsible for the offending email but the husband who was sent out to answer for it. Clearly, she was sending a beta to do an alpha’s job.)

There are plenty of other examples. It would bad enough if this were a global phenomenon, with all cultures in the same predicament. But of course, it’s not. It is generally limited to the West, and largely to the United States. Elsewhere, the reign of the alpha continues, often in utterly perverse forms, as in the Islamic world, where it has been twisted by the tribal precepts inherited from Arab nomadic culture. In the Muslim world, we have males who fulfill every tenet of the alpha except for one: they are utterly terrified of females.

Islam is a primitive culture in which traditional masculinity has been distorted by bizarre tribal practices and murderous cultism. In the place of normal males, we see blustering, brutal, near-hysterical adolescents motivated as much by fear as anything else. Fear of women, fear of the intellect, fear of disagreement -- things no mature male would ever be afraid of. You take a few million of these emotional cripples and throw them at the feminized, beta-ized West, and…. Well, it’ll be funny in the 30th century. But it’s not funny today.

This is the meek inheriting the earth in the form of Woody Allen and his nagging girlfriend. Police chiefs who behave like ballerinas. Weird rituals in response to crimes, atrocities, and terror attacks -- hugging, carrying candles, singing “Imagine.” Ritalin being prescribed to “hyperactive” children -- almost all of them male, and almost all of them acting the way young males have always acted. Military forces bending over backwards to avoid the one thing that military forces are designed to do -- strike a target. There’s no such thing as “Let’s roll” from this crowd. The betas currently inhabiting the seats of power in the West (Obama certainly -- one look at Michelle reveals who wears the britches in that family. Hollande is a Socialist, and thus a beta by definition. Cameron is the beta who wishes he were an alpha) are very much in the position of a whipped baboon showing his rump to the pack leader. Unfortunately, while baboons are programmed to back off at that point, jihadis are not.

...there is a paradox at the heart of masculinity. Alpha males are necessary and cannot be done without. At times of emergency no one is more lauded. But when the emergency is over, no one is more unwelcome than the alpha.

We see this repeatedly. Mad Max watching the last civilized tribe vanish down the highway before driving off into the desert alone. Dirty Harry turning his back on an utterly corrupted system. Shane riding into the wilderness as the young boy cries his name. It’s no different in the real world; Victor Davis Hanson recently published an entire volume dealing with exactly this phenomenon, The Savior Generals, telling the stories of commanders who redeemed apparently hopeless situations only to be rejected by the very societies they saved. The most recent of these was General David Petraeus, who… Well, we all know that story.

...We were promised by feminists that once women took their places in leadership positions, we would immediately have a better world, predicated on the female virtues of moderation, community, and compromise. This may have worked in a world in which every society was operating on the same level. But in a milieu overrun by gangbangers, jihadis, organized criminals, and petty tyrants, all the Ritalin in the world is not going to help. An aversion to subjecting women to the same level of criticism as men has given a system characterized by fatuity, frivolousness, irresponsibility, and incompetence caused by unwillingness to acknowledge how the world actually works. Angela Merkel, Hillary, and Claire McCaskill can serve as examples. But we could go on.

The good news about this is that it’s self-limiting. No society can operate in complete defiance of natural law for very long (Just look at Islam for an example.) Eventually, alphas will be annoyed enough to leave their current strongholds (generally business and arts such as film and music, where swashbucklers are still admired, along with the Internet -- what are hackers but the highwaymen of old armed with mouse and modem?) to straighten things out. The question is, how much damage will occur before that happens?
Read more here.

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