That's how Hillary's brother, Tony Rodham, describes himself. Colin Campbell writes in Business Insider about Tony Rodham's history of profiting from his connections to his sister.
"I deal through the Clinton Foundation. That gets me in touch with the Haitian officials," Tony said. "I hound my brother-in-law, because it's his fund that we're going to get our money from. ... And he keeps telling me, 'Oh, it's going to happen tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.' Well, tomorrow hasn’t come yet."
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's two brothers, Tony and Hugh Rodham, could be a problem for her presidential campaign. Over the years, the pair has been at the center of multiple controversies for their business dealings and Republicans are already using them to attack Clinton.
One aide for a rival 2016 campaign told Business Insider that Clinton's brothers will definitely cause issues for her White House bid.
"Will they be a problem? Yes. They underscore everything that people fear and hate about the Clintons," the aide said. "They're essentially the id of Bill and Hillary Clinton. A bunch of money-grubbing and opportunistic hillbillies with no sense of ethics, decency, or even legality."
Indeed, while Hugh Rodham has yet to make headlines this cycle, last weekend, the New York Times published a story delving into Clinton's youngest brother, Tony Rodham. The paper reported he had repeatedly tried to profit from his connection to the former first family.
The newspaper pointed to a wide range of Tony Rodham's business activities including a Haitian gold mining venture and speeches he gave before Chinese investor conferences and a California cosmetics company.
"The connections to the Clintons have given Mr. Rodham, a self-described 'facilitator,' a unique appeal and a range of opportunities," The Times' Steve Eder wrote. "But his business dealings have often invited public scrutiny and uncomfortable questions for the Clintons."
Earlier this year, Tony Rodham was linked to alleged political favors in a report published by the Department of Homeland Security's investigator general. The report criticized a top DHS employee for appearing to go out of his way in 2010 and 2011 to assist "a politically connected regional center," where Tony was listed as the CEO.
The Times cited several other instances where Tony Rodham had tried to use his influence. After the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, former President Bill Clinton helped lead the recovery commission. According to the paper, Tony pressured his brother-in-law for funds. Tony himself reportedly discussed the arrangement in court proceedings that "were the result of a lawsuit over unpaid legal bills filed by his lawyer in a child support case."
"I deal through the Clinton Foundation. That gets me in touch with the Haitian officials," Tony said. "I hound my brother-in-law, because it's his fund that we're going to get our money from. ... And he keeps telling me, 'Oh, it's going to happen tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.' Well, tomorrow hasn’t come yet."
"The New York Times delves into Tony Rodham’s practice using the family name to secure controversial business deals as a 'facilitator,'" wrote Raj Shah, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee. "This comes amid scrutiny of Bill Clinton’s six-figure speaking fees, controversial foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and other eyebrow raising money making endeavors to 'pay our bills.'"
And Tony Rodham isn't the only one of Clinton's siblings who could invite unwanted scrutiny during her White House bid.
Hugh Rodham, the middle sibling, was once described as the "the Billy Carter of the Clinton administration" for a pair of controversies caused by his business ventures.
In one instance, Hugh, who is often called "Hughie," accepted $400,000 in fees from two felons who were issued pardons by President Bill Clinton.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clintons-brothers-tony-and-hugh-rodham-2015-5#ixzz3aQ4s6Pke
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