Friday, May 22, 2015

Does it pay to be a jerk?

Donald Hambrick, a Management professor at Penn State....“to the extent that innovation and risk taking are in short supply in the corporate world”—an assertion few would contest—“narcissists are the ones who are going to step up to the plate.” Hambrick says that to Jerry Useem, who writes in The Atlantic about Why It Pays to be a Jerk.

Useem concludes,
So here’s what we know works.

Smile at the customer. Take the initiative. Tweak a few rules. Steal cookies for your colleagues. Don’t puncture the impression that you know what you’re doing. Let the other person fill the silence. Get comfortable with discomfort. Don’t privilege your own feelings. Ask who you’re really protecting. Be tough and humane. Challenge ideas, not the people who hold them. Don’t be a slave to type. And above all, don’t affix nasty, scatological labels to people.

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