Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Yes, you heard that right, John Kerry for Secretary of Defense!

Senator John Kerry is being talked about as Obama's nominee to be the next Secretary of Defense. What ties does he have to Natalie Khawam, the twin sister of Jill Kelley? In court documents in her child custody dispute, "Khawam claimed in a July 12 letter to her estranged husband that she took their son "on vacation last year to Martha Vineyard," where their son and "I had a great time at the DSCC [Democratic Senate Campaign Committee] event." "Sen. John Kerry asked if [her son] would be coming again this year," Khawam wrote. "[Their son] was a superstar at the DSCC last year."

Ann Althouse wonders in her blog whether this will lead us all right down a rathole.

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