Sunday, November 18, 2012

How do we make the right decisions?

One person who has allowed God to "multiply" her life so that it impacts a whole lot of people, is Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts and the blog entitled A Holy Experience. Yet, Ann wonders, "Am I making any of the right decisions? I’ve never been here before — so how do I know the way?"

"You’ve only got one blink of a life to make count for eternity."

"It’s only your own sacrifices that show up at your funeral.

Ann concludes:

We want clarity — and God gives a call. We want a road map — and God gives a relationship. We want answers — and God gives His hand.

We need the person of God more than we need the plan for our life.

Read the whole thing here:

1 comment:

Terri Wagner said...

That's something I think that haunts all I doing it right?