Sunday, November 25, 2012

Americans' "relentless pursuit of obesity"

Rich Tosches writes a hilarious column today in the Denver Post about the possibility that Americans may be losing the aid of Twinkies in their "relentless pursuit of obesity."

"When Twinkies hit the news last week — the chilling possibility that Americans' relentless pursuit of obesity might suffer a setback — it took me back to a day long ago, a stifling hot summer day in southern New England when I jumped off my bike and ran happily into my boyhood home, a slingshot in my back pocket, a live frog in my left hand, and half of a yellow sponge cake in my right hand, the telltale white creamy filling clinging to my lips and nose."

"My mother was in the kitchen creating her meatloaf masterpiece for supper that night as I burst in and shouted in childish excitement, "Mommy, mommy! Me getted some Twinkies at the store!"

"I can still see with great clarity the look on my mother's face that day as she turned, slowly wiped her hands on a dish towel and said to me, "For the love of God, you're 42 years old. Do you have any idea how disappointed we are with you?"

Read more: Tosches: Aren't Ding Dongs in Congress? - The Denver Post

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