Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Who will pay for New Mexico's "megafires" caused by the U.S. Forest Service?

President Biden plans to stop in Santa Fe, New Mexico this Saturday.
As reported by the Las Cruces Sun News, the U.S. Forest Service started fires in what were supposed to be two separate controlled burn locations, Calf’s Canyon and Hermit’s Peak. They lost control over the burns, and the fires joined together, forming a “megafire.”
Richard Bledsoe reports,
The blaze has raged across almost 500 square miles, and destroyed an estimated 330 homes.
Investigators stated one of the fires caused by the Forest Service actually dated back to January. A controlled burn that was done at that time somehow persisted, dormant and undetected, then flared up again.
Washington politicians think fighting climate change makes a good catch-all excuse for policies that hurt Americans every day. From causing wildfires to making gasoline unaffordable, it is the Democrats who are the real disaster.
Read more here: by the U.S

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