Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A bloody protest in front of Justice Amy Coney Barrett's home

Athena Thorne reports,
Pro-abortion Leftists pulled one of their favorite stunts Saturday and sent a phalanx of politicized teens to deliver their message at the home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Activists bussed the young women to Washington, D.C., from New York City for the macabre march they dubbed the “Children’s Baby doll Procession.” Never mind that many of the girls aren’t old enough to consent to sexual relations in the first place, which suggests there are other problems at play here — that’s not something the “pro-women” organizers seem interested in addressing.
...The procession itself was not likely to win over many right-to-lifers. The sight of underage zombie-girls shambling along with fake blood spilling down their inner thighs and dangling babies from their wrists is more shocking than anything the most zealous pro-lifers would attempt. To the casual observer, these girls could just as easily have been championing bloody full-term abortions. It took some digging to figure out what exactly the hysterical lasses were trying to convey.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2022/06/20/ghoulish-teens-stage-bloody-protest-in-front-of-justice-amy-coney-barretts-home-n1606564

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