Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Who was Rosanne Boyland?

Who was Roseanne Boyland? Julie Kelly writes,
Rosanne Boyland is a victim—and not of Donald Trump or QAnon. She’s a victim of the Left’s insatiable bloodlust for Trump supporters; the Democratic Party’s propaganda organ otherwise known as the national news media; and sadly, even her own family, who seemed at the time desperate to distance themselves from the political views of their maligned loved one.
Boyland may not have many defenders at this point, but the truth eventually will do the talking for her. And MSNBC’s contemptible smear campaign against her is the clearest proof yet that they know the truth is coming.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/06/the-demonization-of-rosanne-boyland-begins/

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