Friday, November 05, 2021

Hold on to your cynicism!

Oregon Muse writes about the recent election,
And that guy in New Jersey who gave the bum's rush to the state senate leader with a $150 campaign ad. That's great, but now he's a target. 4 years from now, the Democrats are going to come at him hard with a well-financed campaign. Youngkin, too. And after victories like this is when conservatives typically fall back asleep. And then they get their butts kicked next time around. And even with running an imbecilic campaign, McAuliffe only lost by, what, 2 percentage points. Like it or not, we're on a permanent war footing, many conservatives do not realize this, so this is why my optimism from Tuesday's results are laced with a dollop of cynicism and dread.
Read more here:

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