Friday, February 15, 2019

What is fake? What is real?

When I want to read an analysis of key political events, I read two bloggers: Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse, and Ace at the Ace of Spades blog. They have two very different styles, but they usually come out with similar appraisals of what is going on. For example, the new legislation on funding for border security. Ace writes,
Trump About to Sign Bill That Drastically Limits His Ability to Build a Wall and Deport Illegals
—Ace of Spades
He'll also declare a national emergency, but this bill itself restricts his ability to move money around to build the wall.

...Failure Theater.

And now I fear that Trump has been enlisted as a Lead in this latest performance of Failure Theater, scripted by "Republicans" who pretend to be conservative but ho are actually very much aligned with the urban cosmopolitan liberals.

...So the border itself is in Democrat hands, and you need the support of Democrat local leaders to build the wall.

...Trump would sign a piece of paper forbidding him to do that which he claims he will next do on his own authority.

...Basically, Trump would give up any ability to deport most illegal aliens.

...There are already a huge number of Unaccompanied Alien Children in the US. Each is now a human shield protecting anyone in who could even potentially be a sponsor in the future from deportation.

And of course this makes UACs, who have already been Golden Tickets into the US, that much more valuable, and they will therefore become Standard Traveling Gear for all illegal aliens.

Trump must refuse to sign this bill, demand Congress pass a one-week funding CR, demand Congress strip this bullshit out of the bill and then resubmit it.

Or else he's selling us out. And he can't pretend he doesn't know -- he knows.

We've seen Failure Theater performed enough times. We don't need to see it again.

And let me say this about that cocksucker McConnell: this rat bastard and saboteur is many things, but he is not stupid and he is not uninformed about legislation.

He knows this stuff is in the bill.

He helped put it there, and he's a key part of the sales effort to lie to the rubes once again and tell them it's not in there.

Until we pass it, and then, oops! Tricked again! Those darned Democrats got us, but if you send us money and vote extra hard for us, we promise, next time we'll get 'em....
Read more here.

Sundance takes a less sarcastic approach, but gives a similar analysis.
...Unfortunately, reports indicate Democrat language will be inserted into the DHS funding bill that will allow any town, city, municipality, mayor, city manager or local council within any border state to veto the construction of any structural border security wall or fence.

This definitely sounds like an approach the Lawfare group would be assisting with. Despite overwhelming support from the majority of Americans, the DC Uniparty seems to consistently find a way to usurp national sovereignty. Very frustrating.

...Summary of Negotiated Budget Appropriations W/ Limits on Border Security and No Funding for Border Agents or ICE Agents (full pdf)….
Posted on February 14, 2019 by sundance
The actual budget appropriations bill is seven compartments consisting of more than 5,000 pages. However, here is the 29 page summary outlining the key elements as negotiated by congress.

WARNING: This is a bad deal, but it reflects the UniParty reality within congress. Take a deep breath; don’t lash out. Remember, there are very few MAGA minded representatives. This was negotiated by two wings of the same corporate bird and both want open borders.
Read more here.

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