Friday, February 15, 2019

Trying to do away with the Electoral College

Maine Examiner reports,
...In an attempt to circumvent the electoral college, a group of liberal lawmakers, led by Rep. Deane Rykerson (D-Kittery), are sponsoring a bill (L.D. 418) that would enter an agreement with other states to give away Maine’s four electoral college votes to the candidate that wins the most votes across the other 49 states, plus Maine.

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, as it is called, has become law in 12 “states” that control a total of 170 electoral college votes so far, according to the website of the group pushing the issue nationally.

The proposal would mathematically reduce the strength of Maine’s vote in the Presidential election by around 20 percent if calculated based upon the 2018 results.

...Right now, the twelve “states” that have passed the national popular vote compact, according to the national popular vote website are (Maine Examiner notes Washington D.C. is not a state):

Washington D.C.
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
Read more here.

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