Wednesday, February 13, 2019

"Socialism costs a lot of money, and you're going to have to save costs somewhere."

Ace of Spades links to a Twitter post by AOC's policy advisor, saying her plan would not pay for reconstructive surgeries such as hip replacements. Then Ace sums it all up as only he can:
Alexandria Donkey-Chompers' Policy Adviser Declares That The New Socialist Utopia Won't Be Paying for Reconstructive Surgery for the Elderly, Then Deletes It
—Ace of Spades
Socialism costs a lot of money, and you're going to have to save costs somewhere.

How about euthanizing the very young and the very old?! The former can't vote and the latter won't vote for you. They'll make perfect sacrifices to Moloch!
Read it here with the link to Twitter.

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