Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Will conservatives rally and say: enough?

Jeff Lord writes at The American Spectator that he has had it with the bullies and goons of the Left who
target conservative commentators to get them off the air while others are trying to keep conservatives off podiums. Laura’s mildest of tweets to David Hogg is merely the latest excuse for doing this. The excuse always changes as different conservatives are targeted — but the motive never changes. And that motive is vividly clear: silencing a free press and free speech by bullying advertisers and hosts as well.

Now is the time to fight back. To zero in on these advertisers and others and make it plain that this kind of bullying of conservatives — and in this case the bullying of a woman — has got to stop. And while you’re at it — let Fox News how you feel. The network gets hammered routinely for its conservative hosts — right now meaning Tucker Carlson, Hannity and Laura plus Fox and Friends and this is exactly the kind of moment to stand with them. Jack Abernethy, the co-president of Fox News, has said this per the New York Daily News:

“We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts,” Jack Abernethy co-president of Fox News said in a statement to the Los Angeles Times. “We look forward to having Laura Ingraham back hosting her program next Monday when she returns from spring vacation with her children.”

Good for Mr. Abernethy. He gets it completely.

This time its Laura Ingraham — the next time it could be — will be — some other conservative. Maybe even you.
Go here to read many examples of how the Left targets advertisers in order to prevent free speech of conservative voices.

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