Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Stretching Christianity into Left wingism, a woman had sexual relationships with mob boss Sam Giancana, Frank Sinatra, and JFK!

Christianity is salvation and life in abundance for all mankind.

Andrew's guest is Roger Kimball, editor of the New Criterion. He praises Donald Trump for lighting a fire under American businesses and for his work on denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. He praises Betsy DeVos for tackling the anti-free speech jihad on college campuses.

Andrew says Ted Cruz is claiming that the Left is really mobilizing voters for the mid-term elections in November. Roger believes it is actually a very tiny group of people.

Trump is actually governing with a calm, cool, steady hand. The quality of his staff and Cabinet is outstanding. They are people with backbone!

Universities are trashing our civilization! The intellectual center of gravity is not in our universties, except in science and engineering. The universities are stuck in self-infatuated insanity.

CNN is going to do a show on the sexual relationship JFK had with a woman named Judith Campbell Exner, who also was the mistress of a mob boss named Sam Giancana and also the mistress of Frank Sinatra! There were for a while some conspiracy theories that this is what got Kennedy killed. CNN promotes the documentary by talking about JFK's "legendary love life." Not quite how they portray the sex life of Donald Trump!

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