So Anderson Cooper's assistant suffered the following calamity: Someone at the gym broke into his/her locker; figured out his/her password; logged into Cooper's Twitter; Tweeted a single Tweet from Cooper's account; then replaced the phone in the locker and closed it back up.
Ace of Spades responds,
CNN isn't just content to pump out #FakeNews about Trump; it's now pumping out #FakeNews about itself, too.
The Daily Caller tweets,
Celebs To Star In Christmas Show To Benefit Planned ParenthoodJon Gabriel replied,
"With angelic host proclaim
'Christ isn't born in Bethlehem!'"
Bernie Sanders tweeted,
If you really think that Verizon, Comcast, AT&T and Time Warner need more money, then you should be for repealing #NetNeutrality
Jon Gabriel replied, If you really think that Google, Facebook, Netflix and Twitter need more money, then you should be for keeping #NetNeutrality
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