Friday, December 08, 2017


The program begins with Kimberley listing some of Trump's accomplishments. Over 200,000 jobs added in the last quarter. He officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I read that Putin did the same today! We are crushing ISIS, illegal border crossings are down, 17-year record low joblessness, 159,000 manufacturing jobs, packing courts with conservatives, deregulating, consumer confidence shot up, walking back Obama's executive orders.

Greg brings up Scott Adams' theory of mass delusion based on confirmation bias.

Trump is a consequential leader!

Republican Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona resigned today. He had offered two female staffers five million dollars to be surrogate mothers! (I have a female friend who wants to know if the offer is still on the table)! Republican Farenhold of Texas is also being asked by female Republican Congresswomen to resign after sexual harassment charges against him and he paid off the accuser with taxpayer money.

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