Monday, November 07, 2016

"Our new motto, thanks to Assange, should be: Transparency for leaders. Privacy for their citizens."

Is Julian Assange the true hero of 2016? That is what Roger L. Simon thinks.
...We also learned, via Assange, that Saudi Arabia and Qatar funded both the Clinton Foundation and ISIS.

...Meanwhile, the true hero of this election is the mainstream media's polar opposite, Julian Assange, the man whose life is literally endangered while living under virtual house arrest in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. It is he—and his organization—who truly reports the news undistorted and unbiased through undisputed primary sources. It is he who has revealed to our country and the world how power works.

...What Assange has shown us is that the situation is far worse than any of us imagined, that the power of global elites is so great that political parties are almost irrelevant. These elites endanger our republic and the world to such a degree that transparency is mandatory.

...Our new motto, thanks to Assange, should be: Transparency for leaders. Privacy for their citizens. I know that's hard to attain. But that should be the message from the revelations of 2016.
Read more here.

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