Monday, May 30, 2016

"It's our job top steer away from the Clinton's past"

Aleister reports at Gateway Pundit
John Dickerson, the political director of CBS News, was recently interviewed by Stephen Colbert who asked if unpleasant aspects of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s past are fair game for the election.

His answer was stunning.

Via Truth Revolt:

CBS News Political Director: ‘Our Job’ to Steer Away from the Clintons’ Past

News political director John Dickerson told Stephen Colbert that part of a journalist’s job when it comes to covering Bill and Hillary Clinton is to steer conversations away from their pasts.

This stunning admission came Wednesday night in New York City in a live interview that took audience questions. A question surfaced about Bill Clinton’s past and how that could affect Hillary’s chances in the presidential election.
Read more here.

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