Guest post
By Suzann Darnall
I am appalled that our government tries to say ISIS is not a danger to the Homeland. Who are they trying to fool? Any and all jihadist movements are a danger to America . . . and they ARE already here!
It does not matter what name they go by. To nitpick about who is stronger, Al Qaeda or ISIS, is just a name game government is playing to muddy the waters and not let America know the truth. Islamic terrorists are at war with America. They have openly declared this war and continue to do it through videos, tweets, and killings!
The liberal media is an active participant in trying to hide the truth of terrorism on American soil. They work very hard to uphold the myth Obama tells of keeping America safe from terror. Try telling that to all of the families across America that lost loved ones to the Boston Marathon bombers or Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hassan. Tell that to the family of Bendan Tevlin who was one of four victims shot by a self-professed jihadist as revenge on Americans. Tell it to the numerous other victims of Sharia law, genital mutilation, honor-killings, and other criminal or violent acts that happen each day within America's borders under the mantle of Islam.
Obama, his administration, and the liberal media can call it gun violence, man-made disasters, workplace violence, or any other lie they want. We know the truth. Terrorists live among us. And, it is quite likely that more pour across our unsecured borders every day.
This president, for whatever reasons, cannot be bothered with the truth or with protecting Americans. He is apparently only concerned with protecting himself and his legacy. Well, his legacy is one of unmitigating failure wrapped in a tissue of lies and tied up with a string of terrorists acts he has perpetuated by turning a blind eye to reality.
Even more frightening is the administration's somewhat ho-hum attitude about the American citizens who go to fight overseas for the terrorists, while retaining their passports and citizenship. These people can come back to America traveling on those passports. They can perform acts of terror or recruit more jihadists, right here at home.
Of course, Obama showed he really isn't that concerned about bringing possible threats to the Homeland right on in. He showed that with his trading of Islamic terrorist leaders for Bowe Bergdahl and repatriating him with a minimum of care. Not to mention doing terrorist trials right in New York City, instead of at Gitmo.
I hope and pray all Republicans, Blue Dog Democrats, Reagan Democrats, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, Conservatives, patriots, and those who truly care about America will turn out to vote for the letter "R" in November! I know not all Republicans are Conservatives and most politicians are far from perfect, but we have a better chance of surviving if we can minimize the damage done across our nation from local to national if we keep as many Democrats from forming majorities as possible.
We need to take back our liberty, our security, and our country. We can take a step in that direction by taking away the Senate from Obama and Harry Reid! After all, not all who would do us harm hide under the banner of jihad. Some are just plain ol' lyin' Democrat politicians
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