Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The U.S. State Department: as obstructionist as if they were Taliban terrorists

Ed Driscoll at Instapundit links to Jake Tapper of ABC News writing on today's Congressional Hearings: “In a heated and dramatic congressional hearing today, witnesses who served with the U.S. diplomatic corps in Libya and pushed for a stronger security presence repeatedly faulted the State Department for standing in their way – one even referring to the State Department officials he described as obstructionist as if they were Taliban terrorists.”


Terri Wagner said...

Got any doubts read "No Higher Honor" by Condi Rice.

Bob's Blog said...

I have not read it, but probably will. I read Rumsfeld's book, and that prejudiced me against Rice, because he does not give her a flattering portrayal at all. Now, however, I am reading Woodward's State of Denial, which does not portray Rumsfeld very flatteringly.