Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The "Arab Spring" fantasy

Add Andrew McCarthy to the list of writers I respect who are writing about Obama's policies in the Middle East. He writes at National Review, "As demonstrated in my new book, Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, the president was determined to sell the “Arab Spring” fantasy of a Middle East seized by the desire for freedom rather than strangled by the ambitions of freedom-killing Islamic supremacists.

The straight line from Obama’s Libya policy of empowering Islamists to the Benghazi massacre is rarely discussed. Maybe it would be clearer if the Republican establishment had not ardently supported Obama’s war against Libya. Maybe it would be clearer if Romney and Ryan stopped sounding nearly as delusional about the “Arab Spring” as Obama and Biden do. Maybe it would be clearer if Romney and Ryan stopped talking about reprising the Libya debacle in Syria, joined at the hip to what they call “our ally Turkey” — Hamas’s new sugar daddy and staunchest defender. It would surely be welcome if the GOP ticket started diagnosing “spring fever” instead of manifesting its symptoms."

Read more here:

1 comment:

Terri Wagner said...

Our complete and total misunderstanding of history has contributed greatly to our colossally stupid foreign policy in the Middle East...from Ford to Clinton to Bush to Obama. Can't blame this one on Obama. The only prez who got it right was Thomas Jefferson.