Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rejecting the premise of Obama's lies

I am not the only one who appreciates Andrew McCarthy. Roger Kimball writes today at PJ Media admiringly of McCarthy's ability to grasp the essential and write with clarity. In particular, Kimball cites McCarthy's piece in PJ Media today entitled It's Not Just Obama's Lies - It's the Premise of Obama's Lies. The unspoken premise behind the lies of Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Ambassador Rice, was that "if they had been correct about the video’s having triggered the violence then the filmmaker in question would be responsible for that violence."

 “It is not enough,” Andy concludes, “to reject Obama’s lies. It is essential to reject the premise of his lies. In our society, we get to say unkind things about icons, just as we get to speak vigorously in their defense. It is for us, the sovereign people, to weigh the merits of these competing claims, without government’s meddling thumb on the scale. That is a big part of what makes Western civilization civilized.”
Read more here:

1 comment:

Terri Wagner said...

Wish all these guys had a bigger audience.