Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Empty Words: "I Take Responsibility"

What does it mean when an adult says, "I take responsibility?" Jim Geraghty takes a look at how empty those words have become in the Obama presidency.
"Hillary Clinton, discussing the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, to CNN Monday in Lima, Peru: “I take responsibility. I’m in charge of the State Department’s 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts.”

"There’s a strange habit in politics of public figures declaring that they’re “taking responsibility” for something going wrong . . . but then not following up with any particular action, contrition, or consequence."

Read more here:


Ryan said...

I disagree that those words are empty. It's not so common for people to take responsibility like that these days, and I was glad to hear him say it--it sets a good example for young people today. And I thought that Romney took a low blow, to follow up Obama's statement with more salt in the wound. He would have been better off to just be silent and let Obama's words hang in the air. Obama had already said enough.

Bob's Blog said...

You fell for it. Chalk one up for the spinmeister!

Terri Wagner said...

Sorry Ryan you got that wrong. I want to know what Hilary got for "falling on the sword." She doesn't do anything without getting something in return. Don't believe out the Clinton two-for-one presidency.