Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blacks and Hispanics Get Free Advice

Former Governor Dick Lamm is back in the news (today's Rocky Mountain News) in an article by Myung Oak Kim. Lamm's hair is now whitish/grey, with a matching beard, so he is no longer talking about elderly people having "a duty to die," in order to keep down health care costs, as he did in a 1984 speech. Now he is telling blacks and Hispanics they should be more like Jewish and Japanese Americans, so their kids will do better in school and be more economically successful. His remarks have evoked anger from some black and Hispanic persons contacted by the writer of the Rocky article, but Lamm is not surprised, because, as he modestly asserts, "All great truths begin as heresies." Lamm has written a book on the subject, and will profit, even if blacks and Hispanics don't. Isn't that the point? Even if Lamm's criticisms are valid, it is the individual black and Hispanic who must choose which road to take.

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