Sunday, June 20, 2021

Tomato War

I did not know about the annual tomato war between Texas and Colorado. Bruce Throckmorton informs us that this year's war will be held in Chaffee County, Colorado. I am aware, however, of some other things Throckmorton tells us about.
A weird (and fun) little tradition is the annual tomato war between Coloradans and Texans. For some reason, Coloradans got a little weary about the flood of Texans coming to Colorado each summer to escape the Texas heat, as well as the flood of Texans hitting Colorado’s ski slopes each winter. Colorado likes the Texas money, of course, just not the Texas swagger. I think Coloradans are also jealous of how well Texans dress the part when skiing.
Of course, Colorado really should have been fighting the California invasion. Texans visit, spend money, and then leave. Californians visit, then don’t leave, and then inflict their cultural rot.

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