Some later tweets and quotes I liked tonight
Mario Flores says,
Because it’s important to know where we stand. If a peaceful resolution is not possible then alternative methods need to be employed. While many are content to go along to get along, I have no doubts Tucker would rather make a stand. I have no doubts he would provide material support to any willing to get in the fight. There are many who are CONTENT with JUST CALLING ATTENTION to our bleak future under the new socialists. Not Tucker he understands action is needed now.
Questioner tweeted,
There is no stopping at “soft” or “limited” authoritarianism. It’s an easy, downward slide to hard totalitarianism. Always
Dr. Simone Gold tweeted,
Without implementing lockdowns, Sweden had lower death rates than its neighbors during the 1st wave.
In the 2nd wave, Sweden has MUCH lower death rates than its neighbors.
So why are politicians implementing lockdowns again when it has been shown they are NOT effective?
Joe Pags tweeted,
The mayors and governors and so-called leaders are misusing the Emergency Alert function on our phones. It's for imminent danger -- active shooter, chemical spill, fire et al. You telling me not to gather and to wear a mask is misuse. Stop it!
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