Monday, June 15, 2020

Burisma and Ukraine back in the news. $6 million dollar bribe this time.

In the Daily Caller, Chuck Ross reports in part,
Ukrainian officials announced Saturday they intercepted a $6 million bribe offered to stop an investigation into the founder of Burisma Holdings, the energy firm that had Hunter Biden as a board member until 2019.

Artem Sytnyk, the head of Ukraine’s national anti-corruption bureau (NABU), said at a press conference in Kyiv that $6 million in cash was recovered during a sting operation on Friday. He said that three people were detained in the operation, including a Burisma employee and a current and former Ukrainian tax official, according to Reuters.

Sytnyk said that $5 million in bribe money was offered to NABU officials, and another $1 million was reserved for a middleman who brokered the deal.

...President Donald Trump and his allies have accused Joe Biden of forcing the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor in 2016 in order to stop an investigation into Burisma. Biden bragged during a speech in January 2018 that he forced former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, by threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan assistance to Ukraine.
Read more here.

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