Friday, September 07, 2018

"The new standard for stupid in 2018 isn’t much of a landmark, because it will be eclipsed soon enough."

In Politico, Byron York writes about Democrats,
Procedural theatrics, hearing-room protests and outrageous allegations are all they have to substitute for their lack of power.

But it runs deeper than that. The left’s racial theory of America is basically a conspiracy theory. It believes in a deeply embedded, all-pervasive white supremacy. Everyone on the right is a budding Richard Spencer. Even Brett Kavanaugh, as credentialed and establishment a figure as you can find, is a suspected vehicle for racism.

In fairness, Trump has done almost nothing to try to allay the fears about him the way a traditional politician would. Rather, he devotes great time and energy to provoking the other side. Driving his opposition yet more bonkers might well serve his interests in a 2020 reelection campaign — but in the meantime, unhinged people have a more and more prominent place in our public life.

The new standard for stupid in 2018 isn’t much of a landmark, because it will be eclipsed soon enough.
Read more here.

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