Tuesday, September 04, 2018

"Expect the usual gaggle of goniffs, perverts, miscreants and scum impersonating Senators to primp, pose and emit vomitus in front of the cameras and microphones to satisfy the droogs that pull the levers for them."

Here is JJ Sefton writing early this morning at Ace of Spades. His prediction has already come true in the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning!
Good morning kids. Back to work this Tuesday as we leave summer behind and head into the homestretch towards the crucial 2018 Midterms. And today also marks the start of the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh to take his place as an associate justice on the Supreme Court. Unless something from way out of left field - literally and figuratively - is dragged into the committee room by the Dems or the press (BIRM), then it's more than likely that he will be confirmed. But the Dems are going to ramp up the smear machine to go after him, the President and the GOP to rile up their base for the elections. Expect the usual gaggle of goniffs, perverts, miscreants and scum impersonating Senators to primp, pose and emit vomitus in front of the cameras and microphones to satisfy the droogs that pull the levers for them.
Read more here.

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