Sunday, September 09, 2018

Crazy People

Guest post by
Suzann Darnall

I am of a mixed mind right now about the high jinks going on in and around politics. On the one hand, I am Southern and therefore a firm believer in the allowance for . . . ummm . . . eccentricity. As it was put so well in the show, “Designing Women”, “. . . this is the South, and we’re proud of our crazy people. We don’t hide them up in the attic. We bring ’em right down to the living room and show ’em off. . . . no one in the South ever asks if you have crazy people in your family. They just ask what side they’re on.” Like the character, Julia Sugarbaker, I also have crazy people on both sides of my genealogy. In fact, I have a family tree simply filled with enough nuts and squirrels to satisfy anyone’s idea of the perfect place to put a park bench and watch the antics of the wildlife.

But, the logical portion of my brain really wishes for a bit more decorum and sanity when it comes to our government and the effects on society in general. The three ring circus we have happening right now in the Brett Kavanaugh Senate hearings is a perfect example. Not to mention the recent festival of anti-Trumpism that was John McCain’s farce of a funeral. Made even worse by the fact that John McCain himself, in his last vitriolic effort to spew hatred, set his funeral up to be just such a mockery of a traditional farewell to a statesman.

The so-called media is not helping in anyway to make sense of any of the idiocy. Any press conference or interview by MSM is much like stepping into the Mad Hatter’s garden to discover poor Alice at the tea party. A dormouse asleep in the teapot is one of the least concerns we have to cause worry. It isn’t as if there is just one character who is mad as a March Hare. There are actually far too many crazies to count. And, like the March Hare, most of them would prefer that we do not speak, just as Alice was supposed to keep quiet.

It is no wonder so many works of fiction over the years have brought up crazy people. Ophelia in “Hamlet” and The Joker from “Batman” are two of my favorites. But, there are literally too many to list, so you can fill in with your own favorite crazy folks. And, don’t forget that history is also replete with crazies as well. Mad King George (III) is a good portion of the reason that America wanted independence and was actually able to achieve it. How might history have gone had he been in his right mind?

However, back to the present and to what passes for reality. While I might wish for a little less insanity in our public forum, I think the Left has forever made that an impossibility. There are some occasional strange events from the Right, but the Progressives have seemingly taken up the challenge to be ever weirder and less coherent. From slogans to costumes to icons they just don’t make a lot of sense. My high school service club’s initiation rites made more sense . . . and, that is with me having to dress as a cat and purr every time someone said my name!!! But, better a cat than some of the get-ups we see at Liberal protests today!

I realize freedom of speech oft times includes wardrobe and actions. I am striving to be tolerant. Especially the Southerner in me who cries out for the allowance of eccentricity. But, I gotta tell you, these leftist wackos are making even some of my family’s kooks seem downright normal. And, that ain’t easy to do! But, then, neither is watching these public spectacles that have become the nightly news lead stories.
Suzann blogs at WoolyMammoth.Org

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