Saturday, September 08, 2018

A new technological revolution!

Wow! This podcast just destroyed many of arguments made in my last post by the guy in The Atlantic. Jerry Bowyer is an interviewer I have never heard before, but I want to hear more!

In this podcast, Jerry Bowyer interviews George Gilder, author of Life After Google. The internet transformed our economy in the 1990s. Gilder believes a new technological revolution is occurring that will have as much impact on our lives as the one in the 1990s. A whole new internet architecture is rising up.

Gilder scoffs at the notion that advances in AI will replace the need for the human brain. "There is not a scintilla of evidence that advancing technology destroys jobs! It always creates more jobs than it consumes! It is an absurd misunderstanding of the entire history of capitalism!"

Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Netflix centralized data, which they discovered was not safe! Remember how we used to think IBM was the colossus that was going to make everything else obsolete? It went over the hill by natural causes, and this is what Gilder believes is happening to Google! Google deceived themselves that security wasn't an essential feature of any information system!

Did you know that a few weeks ago somebody posted the Declaration of Independence on Facebook and Facebook's algorithms identified it as hate speech?

Gilder does not want our government to try to tear down these big American tech companies.

When people stop believing in God they believe in ANYTHING!

Silicon Valley is having a nervous breakdown and the government is leading the charge. The Trump Administration is filing sex discrimination lawsuits against Silicon Valley companies. Now we go to college to learn how to stop stuff rather than to build stuff!

Blockchain will provide stable coins and gold-like currencies for a completely new and solid financial system! Venezuela resulted in a big rise of Bitcoin usage. Greece and Zimbabwe also. Precursors of the general breakdown of fiat currencies. From Wikipedia:
Fiat money is currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but it is not backed by a physical commodity.

Central banks have imposed on the world a $250 trillion dollar debt load to finance existing government programs!

Gilder says Blockchain will enable more privacy than we have ever experienced before. I wish George and would have explained more clearly what is Blockchain. Wikipedia says, "Blockchain was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to serve as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin."

"Pro-human (as opposed to robots), decentralist, individual. Making AI the servant of the human mind, not the other way around. It is going to break the Leftist central planning hold on our money and on our culture." Sounds pretty good!

Listen to the podcast here.

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