Monday, February 05, 2018

The Five 2-5-18

Huge market correction today, Dow losing all of its gains for the year.

Greg reports that the Democrats are saying that by releasing the Nunes memo the Republicans have caused a constitutional crisis. All the while they have spent the last 14 months trying to steal an election!

Juan defends the Democrats who have refused to accept the results of the election, shouting over the other panelists. Kimberley just shakes her head in disbelief.

Kick Juan off this show!

Carter Page is going to be on the Ingraham Angle tonight.

Trey Gowdy and forty other Republicans are leaving Congress. Of course, Juan says it is because the leader of their party is erratic.

Vice President Pence is bringing Otto Wambier's father to the Olympics in South Korea. Jessie is glad the evil of the North Korean regime will be front and center.

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