Saturday, February 02, 2013

Deceiveth as the devil, nought truth enters there

Gerard Vanderleun is in a poetic mood at American Digest:

If Obamaspew be the food of fools, BRINGETH IT ON!

Give ALL excess of Him, that, surfeiting,

The Obamatrons may sicken, and so die.

That Hope and Change again! it had a dying poll fall:

O, his valved voice slurps o'er my ear like the sweet drool,

That cackles over another bank bailout,

Stealing my money while flatulating! Enough; no more;

His words sound not so sweet now as before.

O Story of O! how tired and boring art thou,

That, notwithstanding his venal verbosity,

Deceiveth as the devil, nought truth enters there,

Of what no validity soe'er,

But falls into debasement and low approval,

Even in a joint session bleat: so full of shapes is his fancy

That he alone is high and fantastical.

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