Above is the title of a Denver Post story today
http://www.thedenverpost.com by its media critic, Joanne Ostrow. The subtitle is, "As trusted anchors depart, who will be the next voice of God?" The latter reference is to Walter Cronkite, who has, since his retirement, revealed his extreme left bias on subject after subject. Media people like Ostrow, perhaps because they shared his biases, fell for the myth that Cronkite was objective.
Ostrow slams Bill O'Reilly as "the anti-Cronkite, famous for his abrasiveness and subjectivity." Abrasive and subjective? Yes, but what Ostrow misses is the fact that people find O'Reilly credible precisely because he openly uses commentary to takes stands, clearly labeling his statements as commentary, while allowing the other side to present its views. Cronkite, on the other hand, pretended to be objective, while actually slanting the news to fit his biases. If we had had world-wide blogging then, as we do now, perhaps the media would not have gotten away with their slanted coverage of the Viet Nam war, and perhaps the Vietnamese would not now be living enslaved in a totalitarian state.