Monday, October 18, 2021

Truth, Justice, and Better living Through Chemistry!

Glenn Beaton reports,
The New York Times – formerly America’s “newspaper of record” – has designed several new flags to replace the old torn and tired one. Such as a rainbow one to symbolize our diversity, a green one to show our enviro-correctness and . . . you get the idea. None of the NYT substitutes symbolizes freedom or liberty, because freedom and liberty are dog whistles for racism and intolerance.
Don’t count on Superman saving either motherhood or the flag. DC Comics announced that Superman’s motto, “Truth, Justice and the American Way” is being scrapped. “Truth” stays, because of course “truth” is now whatever the left says it is. Because science. See discussion supra re men who give birth. “Justice” can stay as well because that will now mean the social kind.
But “the American Way” has gotta go. It’s irredeemable. It cannot mean anything other than racism, Corvettes, Republicans, apple pie, misogyny, homophobia, Trumpism, corndogs, Texas and halitosis.
Dupont used to have an advertising slogan, “Better Living through Chemistry.” The glue-sniffing, pot-addled, power-drunk, woke-oholic, ballot-harvesting, feelgood-addicted, meth monsters of the left will someday sober up and reactivate whatever neurons have survived the chemical onslaught to which they’ve been subjected, and tinker a bit with Superman’s new slogan. Expect “Truth, Justice and Better Living through Chemistry.”
Read more here:

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