Tuesday, January 01, 2019

"Hillary never attained the lotus position, and Hillary never attained the POTUS position."

In American Spectator, Dov Fischer takes a look back at 2018 memories, devoting one paragraph to each memory. It is long, so I will only post the pithiest highlights.
Reality check: Hillary never attained the lotus position, and Hillary never attained the POTUS position.

Trump went to Europe and nicely told NATO leaders to their faces that they are the cheapest penny-pinching blood-suckers he ever met, and that it is time for them to pay lots more towards their own defense and security, even as they have imposed the most unfair trade restrictions and tariffs against America for 75 years since we saved their keisters in World War II. As a result, reflecting that they do not like him as much as Obama, they did not give him a Nobel Prize for brushing his teeth daily, washing his hands, and drinking his milk. Instead, they sat quietly, hands clasped, faces staring down at their desks, deprived of day’s recess, facing after-class detention, realizing that after falsely stereotyping Jews for a thousand years, it is the West Europeans who are the actual Shylocks and Fagins, cheap and stingy, financially dishonest as the day is long, constantly chiseling and dickering and failing to honor their promises to pay, sucking blood and treasure out of the America that sacrificed the blood of its boys for them in the past century’s two World Wars after they proved unwilling to prepare for their own defenses from enemy attack, hailing “peace in their time” with Hitler as they sold out the Czechs, and incapable of warding off enemy attack without our help.

...Obama (D-IL) and Kerry (D-MA) used United States taxpayers’ money to engage in secret spending and collusion with Leftist groups in Israel to try throwing the 2015 Israeli national elections towards a coalition of Leftist political parties to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu won resoundingly anyway. The very next year, Obama knowingly did not endeavor to stop Russian interference in the American elections until Donald Trump unexpectedly beat Hillary. No one ever has met or identified a single person who can or will say that his or her 2016 vote was based on something the Russians posted somewhere. Meanwhile, Democrats manipulated predatory “vote harvesting” to steal seven or more House seats in California, and they indeed engaged in fake news and Facebook manipulation to steal the Republican Senate seat in Alabama that awaits Jeff Sessions’s return in 2020 as he completes rectifying his error in having stumbled temporarily into the Peter Principle from which he now has recused himself.

...Kamala Harris (D-CA) outshone her senior partner, Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), this year of California Fires in Paradise and Senators from Purgatory. As Kamala gets even better known, the public will start learning more about how she rose to the top from the bottom. Kamala Harris slept her way into prominence by being the public escort and consort of a guy named Willie Brown, who was California Democrat Boss in his day. During the incredibly public affair, everyone knew of it and also knew that Brown still was very married. In the poetically immortal words of Blanche Brown, the ostensibly feckless wife: “Listen, she may have him at the moment, but come inauguration day and he’s up there on the platform being sworn in, I’ll be the b***h holding the Bible.” (Well, maybe Blanche had some feck.) Today Kamala Harris preaches morality. In California politics, when someone says “Kamala is lying,” the response is not: “About what?” Rather the response is: “With whom?” Kamala is fortunate that an undergraduate at Barnard already seems to have cornered the nickname “The Mattress Girl.”

...It was quite a year. Have a wonderful 2019. Next year — the pardons… and the Wall.
Read more here.

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